Everyone Loves Gene

Pup-pup is what I use to refer to any dog I don't know by name, although I doubt I've ever prefaced it with the word "precious." The idea for Dog as the manifestation of death originally came from the 5th panel of this strip .

Also, if you wish you could wear your emo-horse pride on your sleve, or at least the front of your torso, head over to Jeffery Rowland's Topatoco t-shirt store to buy an emo-horse t-shirt! All proceeds go to Jeffery, who writes Overcompensating and Wigu, so if you'd like to support Horace and Friends with your purchase please make out an additional cheque, in pounds, and send it to Matt and Jeni, Edinburgh, Scotland. (Please don't actually do that, it would never get to us, but do get a t-shirt if you want one!)

Another also, thanks to all the Overcompensating readers who found their way here via my shameless plug in yesterday's comments. I think the number of you who came to check out Horace and Friends proves that readers of the OC are the best kind of people, people who like things that are fun.


Aww how come the all the other animals have names but dog is just 'Dog'? Poor puppy.
Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:07 AM  
Cat is just Cat, too. Chalk it up to redneck farmers, probably.
Blogger Matt, at 9:49 AM  

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Hey everyone! Buy your quasi-official Horace and Friends t-shirt from Topatoco.com!