An Unfortunate Turn of Events

For those of you who don't know, my lovely wife Jeni, who draws Horace and Friends, is studying to be a veterinarian. She has finals all day today and Friday, so she was unable to draw a new Horace. So today we continue Boris's adventure on the open road with a mirror image of Monday's comic. Maybe Friday's comic will be upside down or something, who knows.

By the way, open your Bibles to the book of Mark, chapter 5, to read about the time Jesus took on TWO THOUSAND demon pigs.



(and clever credits too!)
Blogger Bianca, at 11:11 AM  
"Ok, a demon pig." - totally nonchalant. I love it.

I notice "Matt" is the same in regular- and demon-style writing.
Blogger Mariquita, at 3:10 PM  

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