Horace Makes a Friend

A new day, a new style! How do you like the yellow lined paper and hand written words? Yeah, me too to whatever you said. It may not look like much now, but one day you'll look back at these first few strips and feel like you've witnessed the birth of a new universe. Or barnyard. Or not.


I love Emohorse! It makes me smile. Thank you to the Price's!!!
Blogger Unknown, at 5:30 PM  
Ooh...I like the new "do"...put me on the list of people-eagerly-awaiting-more-emohorse-whilst-being-utterly-unproductive-at-work! (p.s. I laughed out loud at my desk at Horace comics #1 and #2). =)
Anonymous Anonymous, at 12:36 PM  
yay for laughing!

I like the layout, but it's hard to read... that may just be the cold meds making my eyes go buggy, though.
Blogger Mariquita, at 6:48 PM  

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